GCBA Deposition Seminar 2017

The Genesee County Bar Association, Genesee County Bar Foundation and the Neithercut Fund sponsored the seminar for all local attorneys to improve their deposition skills.  This 1/2 day seminar involveda number of topics, including:

  • How to portect your client
  • Proper objections
  • Using the Michigan Court Rules as both a shield and a sword for discovery
  • Real-life examples from attorneys and court reporters
  • Vignettes

The seminar was only possible through the support of our local organizations and the time donated by featured speakers, Tom R. Pabst & the Honorable Robert Ransom, moderator and GCBA President, Michael Kowalko, local attorney Nancy Chinonis (Cline, Cline & Griffin), court reporter David Ripka  (Ripka, Boroski & Associates) and the amazing staff at the GCBA.

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